Digital Image Formation
This lecture overviews Image Formation, which is of primary importance in ensuring image quality and enabling image processing. It covers the following topics in detail: Light reflection models. Camera structure and models, e.g., Pinhole Camera.
Image Transforms
This lecture overviews Image Transforms that are instrumental in image filtering, compression and power spectrum estimation.
Fast 2D Convolutions Algorithms
This lecture will overview 2D linear and cyclic convolution. Then it will present their fast execution through FFTs, resulting in algorithms having computational complexity of the order O(N^2log2N).
2D Digital Filter Design and Implementation
This lecture overviews 2D Digital Filter Design and Implementation that has many applications in digital image filtering, computer vision (template matching) and convolutional neural networks .
2D Systems
This lecture overviews 2D Systems, as they are the primary tools for many image processing and analysis operations. It covers the following topics in detail: Two-Dimensional Discrete LTI Systems. 2D convolutions. 2D correlation.
Digital Images
This lecture overviews digital image coordinate systems and their mathematical representations (vectors, matrices). Memory allocation issues are presented.