Displaying 96 resources
Professional development resources for teachers/educators Professional development resources for teachers/educators

Artificial intelligence tools and their responsible use in higher education learning and teaching

Following the widespread concern and debate provoked by the arrival of ChatGPT and similar artificial intelligence (AI) tools, the European University Association’s Learning and Teaching Steering Committee shares key considerations for European un

Best practices in deployment
Target audience
ADR Experts and Associations, Individual Citizens/Members of the Society, Policy Makers, Private Sector, Public Sector, Researchers and Academic
Professional development resources for teachers/educators Professional development resources for teachers/educators

AIonDemand Platform

The platform seek to act as a central access point to education resources in Europe related to Artificial Intelligence.

Support tools
Target audience
ADR Experts and Associations, Individual Citizens/Members of the Society, Policy Makers, Private Sector, Public Sector, Researchers and Academic
Online Course Online Course

MSc Responsible Artificial Intelligence

The MSc Responsible Artificial Intelligence is an integrated programme of study with dual foci on both theory and application.

Support tools
Target audience
Individual Citizens/Members of the Society, Researchers and Academic
Software resources Software resources

Erase Your Face

In the grand scheme of frustrations related to the pandemic, this one's small: you hold your phone up so Face ID can unlock it. You sit there for a few seconds before realizing, oh right, you’ve got a mask on! Your phone doesn't recognize you.

Sandboxes and Testbeds
Target audience
Individual Citizens/Members of the Society, Researchers and Academic
Tutorial/How To/Guides Tutorial/How To/Guides

The Observatory on Society and Artificial Intelligence

An observatory is a special place where people can observe and study astronomical or terrestrial objects thanks to the particular equipment and conditions it can offer.

Support tools
Target audience
ADR Experts and Associations, Individual Citizens/Members of the Society, Policy Makers, Private Sector, Public Sector, Researchers and Academic
Tutorial/How To/Guides Tutorial/How To/Guides

OECD AI Principles overview

The OECD AI Principles promote use of AI that is innovative and trustworthy and that respects human rights and democratic values. Adopted in May 2019, they set standards for AI that are practical and flexible enough to stand the test of time.

Understanding of the fundamental rights and values
Target audience
ADR Experts and Associations, Policy Makers, Private Sector, Public Sector, Researchers and Academic