AI4K12: The Artificial Intelligence (AI) for K-12 initiative
The aim of this platform is to develop national guidelines for AI education for K-12, an online, curated resource Directory to facilitate AI instruction, and build a community of practitioners, researchers, resource and tool developers focused on

E-guide: Professional Development Training - A training course on how to integrate AI in the primary school classroom
The GENERATION AI project aims to support young learners in developing an evidence-based understanding of Artificial Intelligence and support them in developing skills needed to become critical consumers of this modern technology.

Open e-Learning Platform on Artificial Intelligence for Primary Education
This e-learning space contains an ensemble of multilingual AI-STEM teaching and learning materials to support teachers and school students acquire digital skills and key competencies.

Pedagogical Framework
This resource provides an overview of the relevant pedagogical framework for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and STEAM education in EU countries.

EUA Council for Doctoral Education
The European voice for doctoral education, bringing together a community of academic leaders and professionals

AIonDemand Platform
The platform seek to act as a central access point to education resources in Europe related to Artificial Intelligence.