Deep Object Detection
Recently, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have been used for object/target (e.g., face, person, car, pedestrian, road sign) detection with great results.

Video Processing and Standards Conversion
This lecture Video Processing and Standards Conversion that has many applications in video denoising, video interpolation and de-interlacing. It covers the following topics in detail: Continouous and discrete multidimensional signals.

Deep Semantic Image Segmentation
Semantic image segmentation is a very important computer vision task with several applications in autonomous systems perception, robotic vision and medical imaging.

Recurrent Neural Networks. LSTMs
This lecture overviews Recurrent Neural Networks and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks that have many applications in signal and video analysis. It covers the following topics in detail: Neural Networks for Sequence Analysis.

2D Object Detection and Tracking
This lecture overviews 2D Object Detection and Tracking that has many applications in autonomous car/drone vision (person, pedestrian, car tracking) and visual surveillance.

Video Quality
This lecture overviews Video Quality that has many applications in cinema movies, digital TV and video streaming. It covers the following topics in detail: Video Quality Assessment Methods.