Displaying 53 resources
Software resources


A package for implementing and simulating decentralized Graph Neural Network algorithms for classification of peer-to-peer nodes.

System architectures, Technology methodologies and landscape
Target audience
ADR Experts and Associations, Researchers and Academic
Software resources

JGNN library for native Java implementation of graph neural networks

Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have seen a dramatic increase in popularity thanks to their ability to understand relations between graph nodes.

Technology methodologies and landscape
Target audience
ADR Experts and Associations, Researchers and Academic
Software resources

Word-Class Embeddings for Multiclass Text Classification

Code for Word-Class Embeddings (WCEs), a form of supervised embeddings especially suited for multiclass text classification.

Semantic knowledge, Technology methodologies and landscape
Target audience
ADR Experts and Associations, Researchers and Academic
Software resources

PandA: Unsupervised learning of parts and appearances in the feature maps of GANs

We propose an architecture-agnostic approach that jointly discovers factors representing spatial parts and their appearances in an entirely unsupervised fashion.

System architectures
Target audience
ADR Experts and Associations, Researchers and Academic
Software resources

FeTrIL: Feature Translation for Exemplar-Free Class-Incremental Learning

Exemplar-free class-incremental learning is very challenging due to the negative effect of catastrophic forgetting.

Technology methodologies and landscape
Target audience
ADR Experts and Associations, Researchers and Academic

AI Media Observatory

The European AI Media Observatory is a knowledge platform that monitors and curates relevant research on AI in media, provides expert perspectives on the potentials and challenges that AI poses for the media sector and allows stakeholders to easil

Support tools
Target audience
ADR Experts and Associations, Policy Makers, Private Sector, Public Sector, Researchers and Academic