Multiview Object Detection and Tracking
This lecture overviews Multiview Object Detection and Tracking that has many applications in video analysis and autonomous systems. It covers the following topics in detail: Multiview Human and Object Detection, Multiview Object tracking.

Deep Semantic Image Segmentation
Semantic image segmentation is a very important computer vision task with several applications in autonomous systems perception, robotic vision and medical imaging.

3D Geometry Modeling
This lecture overviews that has many applications in 3D Computer Graphics, Architecture, Civil and Mechanical Engineering and in Medical imaging.

Video Indexing and Retrieval
This lecture overviews Video Indexing and Retrieval that has many applications in video description, search, retrieval and browsing.

3D Image and Shape Compression
This lecture overviews 3D Image and Shape Compression hat has many applications in stereo imaging, cinema and 3D TV.

Introduction to 3D imaging
This lecture overviews Introduction to 3D imaging that has many applications in medical imaging, scientific imaging, microscopy and computer vision.