Displaying 4 resources
Video/Webinars Video/Webinars

Webinar "Industry-driven Use Cases"

AI4REALNET project covers the perspective of AI-based solutions addressing critical systems (electricity, railway, and air traffic control), modelled by networks that can be simulated and traditionally operated by humans and where AI complements a

Action and Interaction Technologies, Data for AI, Experiment and Deployment, Reasoning and decision-making Technologies, Systems, methodologies, hardware, and tools
Target audience
ADR Experts and Associations, Individual Citizens/Members of the Society, Policy Makers, Private Sector, Public Sector, Researchers and Academic
Case studies Case studies

Application of the ALTAI tool to power grids, railway network and air traffic management

This document presents the responses from industry (operators of critical infrastructures) to the Assessment List for Trustworthy AI (ALTAI) questionnaire for three domains and specific use cases: power grid, railway network, and air traffic manag

Policy, Regulation, Certificates, and Standards, Best practices in deployment, Certification and Compliance, Legal framework and regulation, Recommendations towards policy changes
Target audience
ADR Experts and Associations, Individual Citizens/Members of the Society, Policy Makers, Private Sector
Software resources Software resources

100-Driver: A Large-scale, Diverse Dataset for Distracted Driver Classification

A large-scale, diverse posture-based distracted diver dataset, with more than 470K images taken by 4 cameras observing 100 drivers over 79 hours from 5 vehicles.

Data sharing and Data spaces
Target audience
Individual Citizens/Members of the Society, Policy Makers, Private Sector, Public Sector, Researchers and Academic
Video/Webinars Video/Webinars

SAFEXPLAIN Introduction to Trustworthy AI for Safety-Critical Systems

This introductory video provides an overview of the steps taken by the SAFEXPLAIN project to ensure that the AI-based solutions used in safety-critical systems are Trustworthy, explainable and comply with the safety guidelines of diverse industria

Data flow standards, Certification and Compliance, Trustworthiness
Target audience
Individual Citizens/Members of the Society, Policy Makers, Private Sector