Gray Box Optimization
In Gray Box Optimization, the optimizer is given access to the set of M subfunctions. We prove Gray Box Optimization can efficiently compute hyperplane averages to solve non-deceptive problems in time.

Machine Listening for Music and Sound Analysis
This lecture is held every winter semester as part of the Audio Signal Processing & Audio Systems Module at TU Ilmenau.

Real-World Data Science Projects Management
Real-World Data Science Projects involve the practical application of data science methodologies to solve real-world problems.

Dynastic Potential Crossover Operator
An optimal recombination operator for two-parent solutions provides the best solution among those that take the value for each variable from one of the parents (gene transmission property).

Drone Vision for Infrastructure Inspection
This lecture overviews the use of drones for infrastructure inspection and maintenance. Various types of inspection, e.g., using visual cameras, LIDAR or thermal cameras are reviewed. Primary application area is electric line inspection.
Domain Adaptation and Generalization
There is an issue of domain shift in machine learning models, which occurs when models trained on one dataset perform poorly when tested on data from a different source.