DFKI organizes the 1st Adra-e cross-project workshop
External event
28 June 2024, 09:00 - 18:00

On June 28, the DFKI team of the Adra-e EU project organized the 1st Adra cross-project workshop titled "ADR Convergence in Manufacturing". 41 selected experts representing AI, Big Data and Robotics participated in the discussion. The goal of the workshop was to contribute towards the dialogue between the ADR research communities and to discuss the joint research priorities in the area of Manufacturing.

As an application field, Manufacturing stands high on the list of funding priorities of the European Commission for the current Horizon Europe and Digital Europe Programmes, as well as for the upcoming 10th Framework Programme. In addition, there are several running and in-planning European initiatives in this field including "Generative AI for Manufacturing" and "Smart Robotics Strategy", jointly aimed at turning Europe into one of the most innovative industrial regions of the world. The list of keynote talks included:

  • From Manufacturing Data Spaces to circular data networks and Digital Product Passports: BDVA perspective (SMI Working Group of BDVA)
  • Artificial Intelligence for Manufacturing (AIM NET)
  • The role of data and AI for robotic assembly and disassembly (Fraunhover IFF)
  • Robotics for Manufacturing: going beyond State-of-the-Art (University of Southern Denmark)

The subsequent brainstorming sessions "Generative AI for Manufacturing" and "Manufacturing Data Spaces and Metaverse for Digital Product Passports" allowed to solict the expert opinions about potential priority research topics within the time horizon of 5-6 years from now. The results of the workshop will be provided to the Adra's Topic Groups working on the new edition of Strategic Research Innovation and Deployment Agenda.

The next workshop of the series is scheduled for November 4-5 in conjunction with the ADR Forum (https://adrforum.eu)

Contacts: Dr. Andrey Girenko, andrey.girenko@dfki.de | Mrs. Kyra Kiefer, kyra.kiefer@dfki.de