ADRA-e Webinar

The first Adra-e webinar managed to gather online more than 40 attendees spanning Research & Academia, Large enterprises, SMEs and Start-ups to hear from renowed experts and practitioners about the future of Artificial Intelligence, Data and Robotics (ADR) and have a clear understanding of the ADR ecosystem including EU ambitions and expectations.

AI, Data and Robotics are enabling technologies which will be key for Europe to respond to modern challenges including the digital transition, industrial competitiveness, and technological sovereignty.
Europe has activated several initiatives which are acting together to work toward the objectives of contributing to the creation of trustworthy, safe and robust AI, Data and Robotics, compatible with EU values and regulations.
These initiatives include the ADR Partnership, Adra and its founding organisations BDVA, CLAIRE, ELLIS, EurAI and EuRobotics, and the recently funded CSA projects AI4Europe and Adra-e (AI, Data and Robotics ecosystem).

The webinar focussed on the ADR ecosystem, clarifying the roles and objectives of the above-mentioned initiatives and explaining how they will dialogue, interact and engage with a wide range of stakeholders covering the entire value chain of AI, Data and Robotics to deliver concrete results for the future of Europe.

Presentations and video recording of the webinar are avaialble at the links below.

Welcome and introduction – Viviane Habert, Inria project manager
Scope of Adra-e CSA – presentation and objectives Marc Schoenauer, Research Director at Inria
Scope of AIforEurope CSA – Barry O’Sullivan or Gabriel Gonzales Castane, University College of Cork
Adra – Rich Walker, Chair of the Board
Links between the ADR Partnership, Adra-e and AIforEurope - Cem Gulec and David Zunel Ballester, European Commission - EC Project Officers