1st Industry Collaboration and Transfer Exchange on AI – “From Research to Market”
External event
6 - 7 May 2024, 16:30
Innovation Center Saarland University | Saarbrücken Campus, Germany

6-7 May 2024
Venue: Innovation Center Saarland University | Saarbrücken Campus, Germany

The first Transfer Congress “Industry and Collaboration Exchange – From Research to Market” under the lead of the TAILOR industry collaboration and transfer group, will take place on the 6th and 7th of May 2024 on-site in the newly opened Innovation Center in Saarbrücken. The workshop is co-organised by CERTAIN, CLAIRE, DFKI, TNO and VISION. This event is dedicated to promoting collaboration and facilitating the transfer of knowledge and expertise between industry and academia in the field of Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence.

With a focus on the transfer between the needs of industry and the capabilities of research, our event offers inspiring keynote speeches and interactive workshops with current topics from both worlds, which aim to formulate requirements on AI and its implementation and to kick off initial transfer projects.

This congress serves as an important platform for industry to share their actual insights, challenges and requirements directly with researchers such that they can focus their efforts on real-world problems and market needs. Researchers also have the opportunity to present their latest advances and collaborate with industry partners to ensure that their work is effectively translated into practical solutions.

In addition to the structured sessions, our congress offers many opportunities for networking and informal discussions, allowing participants to make meaningful contacts and explore potential collaborations that go beyond the event itself.

Join us on our journey to facilitate the seamless transfer of knowledge and innovation from research to industry, shaping the future of Artificial Intelligence and its practical applications.

Be fast and register by 12 April 2024. Places are limited!

See more information on the official event page.