Opportunities and drawbacks of using artificial intelligence for training
Technological developments are one of the major forces behind the need for retraining, but they can also be part of the solution.

Identifying and characterising AI adopters - A novel approach based on big data
This work employs a novel approach to identify and characterise firms adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI), using different sources of large microdata.

Labour-saving technologies and employment levels
This paper exploits natural language processing techniques to detect explicit labour-saving goals in inventive efforts in robotics and assess their relevance for different occupational profiles and the impact on employment levels.

Use of artificial intelligence in enterprises
This article presents recent statistical data on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies by EU enterprises.

The State of AI Regulations
This comprehensive guide sheds light on the current state of the global AI landscape, exploring the scope of each piece of legislation, how businesses are likely to be affected, and what this means for AI governance moving forward.

SAFEXPLAIN Introduction to Trustworthy AI for Safety-Critical Systems
This introductory video provides an overview of the steps taken by the SAFEXPLAIN project to ensure that the AI-based solutions used in safety-critical systems are Trustworthy, explainable and comply with the safety guidelines of diverse industria