Data.gov.ie developers resources
The Open Data Strategy aims to create an environment where, by opening up Government data, new opportunities for research, innovation, transparency, engagement and greater efficiency are delivered and realised by public bodies, businesses, researc

Getting Started with Robotic Industrial Inspections
With workforce shortages and employee safety a number one concern, industrial teams are looking to robotic automation solutions to improve efficiency of operations.

The Artificial Intelligence Act: Finding a Balanced Approach
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly pervasive throughout Europe, producing major economic and social benefits but also posing new risks and challenges.

The AI business case guide
Explore the limitless possibilities of AI and discover practical techniques that will help you make transformation a reality.

Company Law Review Group’s Annual Report: proliferation of AI
The Company Law Review Group compiled a report for the Minister for Trade, Enterprise & Employment regarding how the proliferation of AI may impact on company law.

AI in Middle School Science Topics
Any instance where there is a large amount of data to be examined or processed that would take a lot of time for a person to examine, AI can do it and not get distracted, fatigued, or bored. This makes it a helpful tool for scientists to use.