AI4Experiments platform
The AI4Experiments platform is an open space for AI developers. The platform offers visual and intuitive design methods. It facilitates the creation of human-centered AI-solutions, building modular structures and using hybrid AI technologies.

Open e-Learning Platform on Artificial Intelligence for Primary Education
This e-learning space contains an ensemble of multilingual AI-STEM teaching and learning materials to support teachers and school students acquire digital skills and key competencies.

Machine Learning for Kids
This free tool introduces machine learning by providing hands-on experiences for training machine learning systems and building things with them.

In a highly specialized and technologized world, a critical and competent citizenship in science and technology is more needed than ever.

Blockly Game
Blockly is a library that adds a visual code editor to web and mobile apps. The Blockly editor uses interlocking, graphical blocks to represent code concepts like variables, logical expressions, loops, and more.

Ready AI: Artificial Intelligence & Me
Teach yourself the basic principles of AI (artificial intelligence) in an inspiring way.