Holistic framework for AI in critical network infrastructures
This document establishes the main foundations of the AI4REALNET project, in particular, the following key outcomes: - The formal specification of domain-specific use cases (UCs), replicating real-world operating scenarios involving human operator

AI for Teachers
AI for Teachers is a website dedicated to supporting the integration of Artificial Intelligence knowledge throughout K-12 learning.

Report on meta-analysis on externalities of acceptability and trustworthiness of ADR
This Adra-e deliverable presents an analysis of the externalities surrounding acceptability and trustworthiness in ADR-supported innovative technologies.

Open e-Learning Platform on Artificial Intelligence for Primary Education
This e-learning space contains an ensemble of multilingual AI-STEM teaching and learning materials to support teachers and school students acquire digital skills and key competencies.

Machine Learning for Kids
This free tool introduces machine learning by providing hands-on experiences for training machine learning systems and building things with them.

In a highly specialized and technologized world, a critical and competent citizenship in science and technology is more needed than ever.