Data Clustering
This lecture overviews Data Clustering that has many applications in e.g., facial image clustering, signal/image clustering, concept creation. It covers the following topics in detail: Clustering Definitions.

Distance-based Classification
This lecture overviews Distance-based Classification that has many applications in classification.

Introduction to Machine Learning
This lecture will cover the basic concepts of Machine Learning to alleviate inconsistencies towards concept and notation accuracy. Supervised, self-supervised, unsupervised, semi-supervised learning. Multi-task Machine Learning.

Agent Systems
This lecture overviews Agent Systems that has many applications in multi-party behavior modeling.

Robot and Drone Swarms
This lecture overviews Robot and Drone Swarms that has many applications in autonomous systems: cars/drones.

Self-Awareness in Autonomous Systems
This lecture overviews Self-Awareness that has many applications in in Autonomous Systems and robotics. It covers the following topics in detail: Self-awareness definition, Self-aware systems, Cognitive architecture.