Teachable Machine
This web-based tool is an easy way to create machine learning models for your sites, apps with no coding knowledge required.

Bee-Bot is an exciting robot designed specifically for use by young children. It is a perfect tool for teaching control, directional language and programming, sequencing, estimation, problem-solving, and just having fun!

Erase Your Face
In the grand scheme of frustrations related to the pandemic, this one's small: you hold your phone up so Face ID can unlock it. You sit there for a few seconds before realizing, oh right, you’ve got a mask on! Your phone doesn't recognize you.

Use of artificial intelligence in enterprises
This article presents recent statistical data on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies by EU enterprises.

Bringing AI closer to citizens – smart communities
Cities, regions and local administrations increasingly represent testbeds for technological innovation and are adopting AI and digital solutions in an agile, efficient and citizen-centred manner.