Webinar "Industry-driven Use Cases"
AI4REALNET project covers the perspective of AI-based solutions addressing critical systems (electricity, railway, and air traffic control), modelled by networks that can be simulated and traditionally operated by humans and where AI complements a

Webinar "Distributed and Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning"
In this webinar, AI4REALNET project provides an overview of two emerging topics in Reinforcement Learning (RL): Distributed RL and Hierarchical RL.

Holistic framework for AI in critical network infrastructures
This document establishes the main foundations of the AI4REALNET project, in particular, the following key outcomes: - The formal specification of domain-specific use cases (UCs), replicating real-world operating scenarios involving human operator

Could Artificial Intelligence Beat Mozart At His Own Game?
TEDx talk on challenges of AI in creating music

How will AI change the world?
Interview with Sam Altman (Founder of Open AI) on the future of AI.

How will AI change the world?
TED-ED video examining the potential impact of AI including some basic understanding.