Displaying 3 resources
Video/Webinars Video/Webinars

Webinar "Towards Transparent, Safe and Trustworthy AI for critical infrastructures"

This webinar focuses on the development of safe, explainable, and algorithmically transparent methods as part of the AI4REALNET project.

Action and Interaction Technologies, Data for AI, Reasoning and decision-making Technologies, Sensing and perception technologies, Systems, methodologies, hardware, and tools
Target audience
ADR Experts and Associations, Policy Makers, Private Sector, Public Sector, Researchers and Academic
Video/Webinars Video/Webinars

Webinar: Knowledge-Assisted AI Applications for Real-World Network Infrastructure

This webinar showcases how the AI4REALNET project is driving innovation in critical infrastructure through advanced AI applications.

Action and Interaction Technologies, Data for AI, Reasoning and decision-making Technologies, Sensing and perception technologies, Systems, methodologies, hardware, and tools
Target audience
ADR Experts and Associations, Policy Makers, Private Sector, Public Sector, Researchers and Academic
Tutorial/How To/Guides Tutorial/How To/Guides

Data.gov.ie developers resources

The Open Data Strategy aims to create an environment where, by opening up Government data, new opportunities for research, innovation, transparency, engagement and greater efficiency are delivered and realised by public bodies, businesses, researc

Data sharing and Data spaces, Data and AI Platforms, Data Marketplaces
Target audience
ADR Experts and Associations