Fairlearn is an open-source, community-driven project to help data scientists improve fairness of AI systems.
Structured Power Grid Simulation Dataset for Machine Learning: Failure and Survival Events in Grid2Op's L2RPN WCCI 2022 Environment
This dataset was developed for and used in the paper titled "Fault Detection for Agents in Power Grid Topology Optimization: A Comprehensive Analysis" by Malte Lehna, Mohamed Hassouna, Dmitry Degtyar, Sven Tomforde, and Christoph Scholz,

Webinar "Industry-driven Use Cases"
AI4REALNET project covers the perspective of AI-based solutions addressing critical systems (electricity, railway, and air traffic control), modelled by networks that can be simulated and traditionally operated by humans and where AI complements a

Webinar "Distributed and Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning"
In this webinar, AI4REALNET project provides an overview of two emerging topics in Reinforcement Learning (RL): Distributed RL and Hierarchical RL.