Displaying 4 resources

Bus Violence: a large-scale benchmark for video violence detection in public transport

The Bus Violence dataset is a large-scale collection of videos depicting violent and non-violent situations in public transport environments.

Data sharing and Data spaces
Target audience
ADR Experts and Associations, Policy Makers, Private Sector, Public Sector, Researchers and Academic
Software resources

100-Driver: A Large-scale, Diverse Dataset for Distracted Driver Classification

A large-scale, diverse posture-based distracted diver dataset, with more than 470K images taken by 4 cameras observing 100 drivers over 79 hours from 5 vehicles.

Data sharing and Data spaces
Target audience
Individual Citizens/Members of the Society, Policy Makers, Private Sector, Public Sector, Researchers and Academic

Bringing AI closer to citizens – smart communities

Cities, regions and local administrations increasingly represent testbeds for technological innovation and are adopting AI and digital solutions in an agile, efficient and citizen-centred manner.

Cooperation with partners, Sandboxes and Testbeds
Target audience
Public Sector

AI in practice and implementation strategies

This session deals with the implementation of AI in public sector organisations. It will asks panelists to reflect on the challenges for implementing AI in the public sector, and how to address them.

Cooperation with partners
Target audience
Public Sector