Computational Geometry
This lecture overviews Computational Geometry that has many applications in Computer Graphics, Robotics, Geographic Information Systems, CAD/CAM.

Mathematical Morphology
This lecture overviews Mathematical Morphology that has many applications in digital image processing, analysis and computer vision.

Shape Description
This lecture overviews Shape Description that has many applications in object recognition and image compression. It covers the following topics in detail: Chain Codes. Polygonal Contour Approximations. Fourier Descriptors. Quadtrees.

Image Registration
This lecture overviews 2D Image Registration that has many applications in photography, computer vision, and medical imaging.

Introduction to 2D Computer Vision
This lecture overviews digital images and 2D Computer Vision (image analysis).

Computational Cinematography
This lecture overviews Computational Cinematography that has many applications in filming, notably in drone cinematography.