Webinar "Towards Transparent, Safe and Trustworthy AI for critical infrastructures"
This webinar focuses on the development of safe, explainable, and algorithmically transparent methods as part of the AI4REALNET project.

Webinar: Knowledge-Assisted AI Applications for Real-World Network Infrastructure
This webinar showcases how the AI4REALNET project is driving innovation in critical infrastructure through advanced AI applications.

SAFEXPLAIN Introduction to Trustworthy AI for Safety-Critical Systems
This introductory video provides an overview of the steps taken by the SAFEXPLAIN project to ensure that the AI-based solutions used in safety-critical systems are Trustworthy, explainable and comply with the safety guidelines of diverse industria

Getting Started with Robotic Industrial Inspections
With workforce shortages and employee safety a number one concern, industrial teams are looking to robotic automation solutions to improve efficiency of operations.

AI in Middle School Science Topics
Any instance where there is a large amount of data to be examined or processed that would take a lot of time for a person to examine, AI can do it and not get distracted, fatigued, or bored. This makes it a helpful tool for scientists to use.