Introduction to Apache Airflow: Workflow Automation with DAGs and Tasks
In today’s technological landscape, process automation has become a fundamental component for improving the efficiency and productivity of organizations.

Introduction to Cloud/edge computing
Cloud Computing during the time has gained concrete evidence to be a disruptive technology still in its full development. Many drawbacks of the Cloud have brought to improve many their crucial aspects, like performance, security and privacy, etc.

Interoperability with JSON-LD and NGSI-LD via Orion Context Broker
The short course aims to provide the foundation for understanding NGSI-LD Context Broker(s). The course will begin with a brief introduction to JSON-LD (JSON Linked Data) since it is the data format used by NGSI-LD.

Introduction to Kubernetes
Lecture by Prof. Lorentzo Carnevale.
Uploaded by Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Link to video

Introduction to Containers with Docker
Lecture by Prof. Lorentzo Carnevale.
Uploaded by Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Link to video

Multilayer perceptron. Backpropagation
This lecture covers the basic concepts and architectures of Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), Activation functions, and Universal Approximation Theorem.