Z Transform
This lecture overviews Z Transform that has many applications in signal processing and systems theory.

Autonomous Car Modeling and Control
This lecture overviews Autonomous Car Modeling and Control that has many applications in autonomous cars and automated driving.

Deep Reinforcement Learning
This lecture overviews Deep Reinforcement Learning that has many applications in, e.g., Game playing agents, Self-driving vehicles, Robotics (Robot cleaners) and Stock exchange agents.

Continuous-time Signals and Systems
This lecture overviews continuous-time Signals and Systems topics. Continuous-time signals are presented: periodic signals, delta function, unit step signal, exponential signal, trigonometric signals, complex exponential signal.

Introduction to Signals and Systems
This lecture overviews Signals and Systems. 1D signals, 2D signals (images), 3D signals (videos, medical volumes) are presented. Multichannel signals come next.

Fourier Transform
This lecture overviews the topics of continuous-time periodic signals, signal frequencies and Fourier Transform (FT). Its relation to Laplace transform is presented.