Linear Algebra
This lecture overviews Linear Algebra that has many applications in Machine Learning, Computer Vision and Scientific Computing.

Introduction to Statistics
This lecture provides an Introduction to Statistics that has many applications in Data Analytics, Machine Learning and Signal Analysis. It covers the following topics in detail: Random Variables. Data Types. Data Sampling.

Signal Sampling
This lecture overviews Signal Sampling that has many applications in signal acquisition, processing and analysis.

Z Transform
This lecture overviews Z Transform that has many applications in signal processing and systems theory.

Continuous-time Signals and Systems
This lecture overviews continuous-time Signals and Systems topics. Continuous-time signals are presented: periodic signals, delta function, unit step signal, exponential signal, trigonometric signals, complex exponential signal.

Introduction to Signals and Systems
This lecture overviews Signals and Systems. 1D signals, 2D signals (images), 3D signals (videos, medical volumes) are presented. Multichannel signals come next.