2D Object Detection and Tracking
This lecture overviews 2D Object Detection and Tracking that has many applications in autonomous car/drone vision (person, pedestrian, car tracking) and visual surveillance.

Spectral Signal Analysis
This lecture overviews Spectral Signal Analysis that has many applications in periodicity estimation and acoustic/speech/music/biomedical signa analysis.

2D Visual Object Tracking
Object/Target tracking is a crucial component of many vision systems. Object tracking issues are overviewed, e.g., occlusion handling, feature loss, drifting to the backgound.

Multiview Object Detection and Tracking
This lecture overviews Multiview Object Detection and Tracking that has many applications in video analysis and autonomous systems. It covers the following topics in detail: Multiview Human and Object Detection, Multiview Object tracking.

3D Medical Image Acquisition
This lecture overviews 3D Medical Image Acquisition that has many applications in medical imaging and diagnosis. It covers the following topics in detail: 3D Computed Tomography (including Cone Beam Tomography and Micro-Computed Tomography).

Transform Video Compression
This lecture overviews Transform Video Compression that has many applications in digital TV broadcasting, videoconferencing, video streaming and social media.