Graph Convolutional Networks
This lecture overviews Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN) that have many applications in Deep Learning, Signal and Video Analysis, Network Theory, Web Science and Social Media Analytics.

MultiDrone Datasets
This lecture overviews MultiDrone Datasets that has many applications in autonomous drone research and development.

Introduction to Human Centered Computing
This lecture overviews Human Centered Computing that has many applications in Human-Computer Interfaces, Data Analytics and Social Media Analytics. It covers the following topics in detail: Semantic Video Content Analysis.

Face Detection
This lecture overviews Face Detection that has many applications in Human-centered Computing, Image and Video Analysis and Social Media Analytics. It covers the following topics in detail: Face Detection definition: Regression and Classification.

Face De-identification for Privacy and Protection
Privacy protection is a very important issue, in the context of social media and GDPR. This lecture overviews the face de-identification problem from an engineering perceptive.

Face Clustering
This lecture overviews Face Clustering that has many applications in Human-centered Computing, Image and Video Analysis and Social Media Analytics. It covers the following topics in detail: Facial image similarities. Similarity graphs.