Introduction to Autonomous Systems
A fully autonomous system can: a) gain information about the environment, b) work for an extended period without human intervention, c) move either all or part of itself throughout its operating environment without human assistance and d) avoid si

Attention and Transformers Networks in Computer Vision
In this lecture focused on Transformers in the field of computer vision, the limitations of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are emphasized.

Robot and Drone Swarms
This lecture overviews Robot and Drone Swarms that has many applications in autonomous systems: cars/drones.

Natural Selection
This lecture overviews Natural Selection simulation that has many applications in ecology and sociology studies.

Agent Systems
This lecture overviews Agent Systems that has many applications in multi-party behavior modeling.

1D Convolutional Neural Networks
This lecture overviews 1D Convolutional Neural Networks that has many applications in 1D signal analysis.