This lecture overviews Cryptocurrencies that has many applications in Finances, Network Theory and Web Science. It covers the following topics in detail: Introduction to Cryptography, Blockchain and Blockchain Consensus Algorithms.

Face Clustering
This lecture overviews Face Clustering that has many applications in Human-centered Computing, Image and Video Analysis and Social Media Analytics. It covers the following topics in detail: Facial image similarities. Similarity graphs.

Face Recognition
This lecture overviews that has many applications in Human-centered Computing, Image and Video Analysis, Surveillance and Social Media Analytics. It covers the following topics in detail: Face recognition/identification. Face verification.

Recommendation Systems
This lecture overviews Recommendation Systems that has many applications in Web Science, Marketing and Social Media Analytics. It covers the following topics in detail: Content Based Filtering.

Neural Speech Recognition
This lecture overviews Neural Speech Recognition is a special case of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), i.e., the transcription of speech to text that has many applications e.g., in call centers, dictation, meeting minutes creation, Smart assist

Spectral Signal Analysis
This lecture overviews Spectral Signal Analysis that has many applications in periodicity estimation and acoustic/speech/music/biomedical signa analysis.