Ready AI: Artificial Intelligence & Me
Teach yourself the basic principles of AI (artificial intelligence) in an inspiring way.

AI4K12: The Artificial Intelligence (AI) for K-12 initiative
The aim of this platform is to develop national guidelines for AI education for K-12, an online, curated resource Directory to facilitate AI instruction, and build a community of practitioners, researchers, resource and tool developers focused on

Artificial intelligence tools and their responsible use in higher education learning and teaching
Following the widespread concern and debate provoked by the arrival of ChatGPT and similar artificial intelligence (AI) tools, the European University Association’s Learning and Teaching Steering Committee shares key considerations for European un

Identifying artificial intelligence actors using online data
This paper uses information collected and provided by GlassAI to analyse the characteristics and activities of companies and universities in Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States that mention keywords related to Artificial Inte

Opportunities and drawbacks of using artificial intelligence for training
Technological developments are one of the major forces behind the need for retraining, but they can also be part of the solution.

Identifying and characterising AI adopters - A novel approach based on big data
This work employs a novel approach to identify and characterise firms adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI), using different sources of large microdata.