Digital Pathology: On the intersection of Computer Vision and Data Science
Due to the proliferation of whole-slide-imaging (WSI) digital scanners it is now possible to leverage computer vision, image analysis, and machine learning techniques, such as deep learning to process the digital pathology images in hopes to deriv

There will be Artificial Emotional Intelligence
This resource corresponds to 4th video from the AI Excellence Lecture Series.

Measuring algorithmic bias in face analysis — towards an experimental approach
This resource corresponds to 3rd video from the AI Excellence Lecture Series.

Machine learning for medicine and healthcare
Medicine stands apart from other areas where machine learning can be applied.

Object Pose Estimation
This lecture overviews object pose estimation that has many applications in Human-Robotic Interaction (HRI), Robotics and Augmented Reality.

e-Symposium 2023: AI and Computational Politics
Computational Politics refers to the application of Information Technologies (IT), including Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Systems Theory (Cybernetics) in the realm of politics and Political Science.