Cinematography Issues in Sports Filming
This lecture overviews Cinematography Issues in Sports Filming that has many applications in digital media and TV productions.

Web Search based on Ranking
This lecture overviews Web Search based on Ranking that has many applications in Web Science and Social Media Analytics. It covers the following topics in detail: Architecture of Web Search Engine: Crawler, Indexer, Query Processor.

Imaging for Drone Safety
This lecture overviews Imaging for Drone Safety that has many applications in autonomous drones.

Hidden Markov Models
This lecture overviews Hidden Markov Models that have many applications in Data Analytics and Signal Analysis. It covers the following topics in detail: Markov Chains. Hidden Markov Chains: Viterbi algorithm, Forward-backward algorithm.

Orthogonal Signal Transforms. Fourier Series
This lecture overviews Orthogonal Signal Transforms. Fourier Series that has many applications in signal processing, analysis and compression.

Discrete-time Signals and Systems
This lecture overviews discrete-time Signals and Systems topics. Discrete-time signals are presented: periodic signals, delta signal, unit step signal, exponential signal, trigonometric signals, complex exponential signal.