This lecture overviews Cryptocurrencies that has many applications in Finances, Network Theory and Web Science. It covers the following topics in detail: Introduction to Cryptography, Blockchain and Blockchain Consensus Algorithms.

Blockchain Algorithms
This lecture overviews Blockchain technology that has many applications in cryptocurrencies, e-commerce and identity management.

Blockchain Technology and Applications
This lecture overviews Blockchain Technology that has many applications in Cryptocurrencies, Identity Management and Biometrics.

Music Genre Recognition
This lecture overviews Music Genre Recognition that has many applications in the music industry and in the social/broadcasted media. It covers the following topics in detail: Audio Feature Extraction. Music Spectrograms. Sound Texture Selection.

Neural Speech Recognition
This lecture overviews Neural Speech Recognition is a special case of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), i.e., the transcription of speech to text that has many applications e.g., in call centers, dictation, meeting minutes creation, Smart assist

FIR Filter Design
This lecture overviews FIR Filter Design that has many applications in digital signal processing and deep neural networks.