Generative AI and Research Integrity
The article critically reviews the use of generative AI is research.

Position paper on AI for the operation of critical energy and mobility network infrastructures
This position paper outlines AI4REALNET’s approach to applying AI in network infrastructure operations, translating application needs into algorithmic proposals for effective human-AI collaboration in decision-making processes.

Cooperating with machines
Since Alan Turing envisioned artificial intelligence, technical progress has often been measured by the ability to defeat humans in zero-sum encounters (e.g., Chess, Poker, or Go).

Should we fear the robot revolution? (The correct answer is yes)
Advances in artificial intelligence and robotics may be leading to a new industrial revolution. This paper presents a model with the minimum necessary features to analyze the implications for inequality and output.

Augmentation-free unsupervised approach for point clouds
Unsupervised learning on 3D point clouds has undergone a rapid evolution, especially thanks to data augmentation-based contrastive methods.

OECD AI Principles overview
The OECD AI Principles promote use of AI that is innovative and trustworthy and that respects human rights and democratic values. Adopted in May 2019, they set standards for AI that are practical and flexible enough to stand the test of time.