Recurrent Neural Networks. LSTMs
This lecture overviews Recurrent Neural Networks and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks that have many applications in signal and video analysis. It covers the following topics in detail: Neural Networks for Sequence Analysis.

3D Image Processing
This lecture overviews 3D Image Processing, 3D volume filtering, (e.g., 3D moving average filter, 3D median filters), 3D mathematical morphology operators, anisotropic diffusion, 3D volume interpolation and 3D histogram equalization, 3D volume al

Pedestrian Detection
This lecture overviews Pedestrian Detection that has many applications in autonomous car vision and smart city applications.

Road Condition Assessment
This lecture overviews Road Condition Assessment that has many applications in autonomous car perception and smart city management. It covers the following topics in detail:

Introduction to Multiple Drone Systems
This lecture will provide the general context for this new and emerging topic, presenting the aims of multiple drone systems, focusing on their sensing and perception. Drone mission formalization, planning and control will be overviewed.

Imaging for Drone Safety
This lecture overviews Imaging for Drone Safety that has many applications in autonomous drones.