Webinar "Industry-driven Use Cases"
AI4REALNET project covers the perspective of AI-based solutions addressing critical systems (electricity, railway, and air traffic control), modelled by networks that can be simulated and traditionally operated by humans and where AI complements a

AI for Teachers
AI for Teachers is a website dedicated to supporting the integration of Artificial Intelligence knowledge throughout K-12 learning.

Don’t ask if AI is good or fair, ask how it shifts power
Opinion piece by Pratyusha Kalluri in Nature

Is ethical AI possible?
An interview with Timnit Gebru, the founder of the Distributed AI Research Institute.

Report on meta-analysis on externalities of acceptability and trustworthiness of ADR
This Adra-e deliverable presents an analysis of the externalities surrounding acceptability and trustworthiness in ADR-supported innovative technologies.

100-Driver: A Large-scale, Diverse Dataset for Distracted Driver Classification
A large-scale, diverse posture-based distracted diver dataset, with more than 470K images taken by 4 cameras observing 100 drivers over 79 hours from 5 vehicles.