Introduction to Image Processing
This lecture overviews digital images, image processing and image analysis. 1D signals, 2D signals (images), 3D signals (videos, medical volumes) are presented. Multichannel images, e.g., color and multispectral images come next.

Neural SLAM
This lecture overviews Neural SLAM that has many applications in robotic and autonomous vehicle localization and mapping.

Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
The lecture includes the essential knowledge about how we obtain/get 2D and/or 3D maps that robots/drones need, taking measurements that allow them to perceive their environment with appropriate sensors.

Neural Semantic 3D World Modeling and Mapping
This lecture overviews neural semantic 3D world modeling and mapping that has many applications in 3D world mapping and in attaching semantics to the world maps It covers the following topics in detail: neural disparity/depth estimation and joint

Introduction to Computer Vision
A detailed introduction to computer vision will be made: image/video sampling, Image and video acquisition, Camera geometry, Stereo and Multiview imaging, Structure from motion, Structure from X, 3D Robot Localization and Mapping, Semantic 3D worl

Socially Informed ML Practices
A series of three posts on “Is data fixable? On the need of socially-informed practices in ML research and education”.