Open e-Learning Platform on Artificial Intelligence for Primary Education
This e-learning space contains an ensemble of multilingual AI-STEM teaching and learning materials to support teachers and school students acquire digital skills and key competencies.

Machine Learning for Kids
This free tool introduces machine learning by providing hands-on experiences for training machine learning systems and building things with them.

In a highly specialized and technologized world, a critical and competent citizenship in science and technology is more needed than ever.

AutoDraw is a new web-based tool that pairs machine learning with drawings created by talented artists to help you draw.

OECD AI Principles overview
The OECD AI Principles promote use of AI that is innovative and trustworthy and that respects human rights and democratic values. Adopted in May 2019, they set standards for AI that are practical and flexible enough to stand the test of time.

Labour-saving technologies and employment levels
This paper exploits natural language processing techniques to detect explicit labour-saving goals in inventive efforts in robotics and assess their relevance for different occupational profiles and the impact on employment levels.