FIR Filter Design
This lecture overviews FIR Filter Design that has many applications in digital signal processing and deep neural networks.

Digital Filter Structures
This lecture overviews Digital Filter Structures that has many applications in digital signal processing.

Error Analysis in Digital Filters
This lecture overviews Error Analysis in Digital Filters that has many applications in digital signal processing and analysis.

Adaptive Filters
This lecture overviews Adaptive Filters that has many applications in signal processing, automatic control, robotics and autonomous systems.

Spectral Signal Analysis
This lecture overviews Spectral Signal Analysis that has many applications in periodicity estimation and acoustic/speech/music/biomedical signa analysis.

Recurrent Neural Networks. LSTMs
This lecture overviews Recurrent Neural Networks and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks that have many applications in signal and video analysis. It covers the following topics in detail: Neural Networks for Sequence Analysis.