Immersion in Virtual Reality
This lecture overviews Immersion in Virtual Reality that has many applications in virtual presence and immersion. It covers the following topics in detail: Basic Concepts and Definitions. Presence (Prerequisites, Types, Measurements).

Soccer Video Analysis
This lecture overviews Soccer Video Analysis that has many applications in Human-centered Computing, Image and Video Analysis and Sports Analytics/coaching.

Introduction to Autonomous Car Vision
In this lecture, an overview of the autonomous car technologies will be presented (structure, HW/SW, perception), focusing on car vision. Examples of autonomous vehicle will be presented as a special case, including its sensors and algorithms.

Image-Based Rendering and View Synthesis
This lecture overviews Image-Based Rendering and View Synthesis that has many applications in computer graphics, data visualization, simulators, Virtual Environments and media production.

3D Animation
This lecture overviews 3D Animation that has many applications in 3D computer graphics, games, data visualization, simulators, Virtual Environments and media production.

Autonomous Car Sensors
This lecture overviews Autonomous Car Sensors that has many applications in autonomous car perception.