Holistic framework for AI in critical network infrastructures
This document establishes the main foundations of the AI4REALNET project, in particular, the following key outcomes: - The formal specification of domain-specific use cases (UCs), replicating real-world operating scenarios involving human operator

Position paper on AI for the operation of critical energy and mobility network infrastructures
This position paper outlines AI4REALNET’s approach to applying AI in network infrastructure operations, translating application needs into algorithmic proposals for effective human-AI collaboration in decision-making processes.

Non-Markov Decision Processes and Reinforcement Learning
We present non-Markov decision processes, where rewards and dynamics can depend on the history of events. This is contrast with Markov Decision Processes, where the dependency is limited to the last state and action.

ALIGNER Fundamental Rights Impact Assessment
Artificial intelligence can enhance law enforcement agencies’ capabilities to prevent, investigate, detect and prosecute crimes, as well as to predict and anticipate them.

Guide for Open Data Publishers in Ireland
This guide is for existing and potential Open Data publishers, in particular Government Departments and public bodies who wish to publish Open Data on the data.gov.ie portal.

Defend the Rhino
Join our data science team and help us stop a gang of rhino poachers. You’ll use use data science skills to analyse security camera data from across Kruger national park in South Africa.